And so what we are launching withthe data localization suite is a way to use cloud flows network and keep the data of your customers in the regions where thosecustomers live in order to comply. Localization SuiteApps are suitable for local parent companies as well as subsidiaries. With localizations, the introduction of NetSuite’s basic features in a new country is becoming more and more agile, leaving more time and resources in business development and maximizing customer satisfaction. Complete solution to cover all the possible cases for localization! Our suite includes wide range of tools and utilities to cover all the possible cases to enhance and simplify your project localization. SIL Editor- the powerful translations editor. Dictionary Manager - translations database manager. Starting with the release of Studio-based text scraping, localization tables, and LocalizationService APIs in March, we began building a suite of tools for translating and sharing your content with players worldwide. We are excited to announce the release of the next phase, web-based cloud localization, a system of features and settings to hel. Localization project management is the process of orchestrating localization campaigns—translating large batches of content into other languages for use in locales across the world. The localization project manager maintains relationships and ensures efficient workflows among translators, reviewers, developers, and other stakeholders.
Today there are about 340 million non-English speaking Internet users and nearly half of all Internet users live in Asia and Europe (this figure will grow to 75% by 2005, when there will be about a billion people online).Many companies ignore this fact and release only English versions of their software products. But the increasing competition makes this approach unreasonable. Even if the user knows English, he will choose the software supporting his native language when other conditions are equal. Increase your revenues, localize your applications with LangAgent!
LangAgent is a software localization suite designed to make the localization process as smooth as possible. LangAgent enables you to divide the work of the programmer and the translator, thus the programmer will be free from performing additional operations connected with localization, and there will be no necessity for the translator to have programming skills (such as, for instance, the skill of editing resource files).
For example, programmer wants to display a MessageBox with an error message. Using standard approach he or she should: switch to the resource editor and open a string table window; use the menu to insert a new string; enter the text and give a reasonable and unique name to the string's identifier; switch back to the code and type the string's identifier again. Using LangAgent, programmer should type just one string: AfxMessageBox(LSTR('Error! some text goes here')); there is no need to switch windows, use resource editor and digress from the programming.
LangAgent automatically generates tasks for translators, considers the size of texts for translation and provides various statistical information. Dropbox cache cleaner for mac. LangAgent will easily help you to use remote translators, in this case you will not have to send them the source program code.
LangAgent supports version control, so if you release a new version with only a few added or modified messages, LangAgent will generate tasks for translation including only the modified and new phrases. LangAgent supports phrase dictionaries, which enables you to translate standard messages into main European languages automatically. You can use LangAgent not only for localization into other languages but also for proofreading the main (generally English) language (it is especially important if the main language is not native for programmers engaged in a project). The LangAgent add-in for Visual Studio enables you to apply LangAgent to your projects as quickly as possible.
The current version of LangAgent is oriented towards Visual C++.
It is very easy to use! Take a look:
AfxMessageBox(LSTR('Hello world!')); // just use LSTR macro with strings you want to translate (replace _T)
CMyCoolDialog dlg; // don't worry about resources
dlg.DoModal(); // LangAgent automatically translates ALL resources (dialogs, menus, strings)
Localization Supersymmetry
Localization Summit
The standard localization approach | LangAgent localization approach |
Contact mebobby pins and lip gloss. Note that LangAgent can be used not only for localization into other languages but also for proofreading the main (usually English) language (it is especially important if the main language is not native for programmers engaged in a project).
Localization Suites
Please note that LangAgent is a software suite that helps you localize your applications. We do not offer tranlation services at the moment.
Localization Eu4
RegSnap is an example of software product which was localized using LangAgent.