
Marc on Themes Set Up for a Paradigm Shift, WordPress 5.8 Will Unleash Tools To Make It Happen Yeah. I am NOW working wi Trending. Themes Set Up for a Paradigm Shift, WordPress 5.8 Will Unleash Tools To Make It Happen; Google Delays Page Experience Ranking Signal Rollout until June 2021, Adds New Report to Search Console. Mike Lindell, the owner and CEO of MyPillow, has been targeted by the cancel culture for daring to challenge the conduct of the November 2020 election. His Twitter account and that of MyPillow have been cancelled, and major retailers have ceased carrying the MyPillow product line. So why has Lindell been attacked? He has sinned.

The great thing about blogging and WordPress is the community that you can become a member of. Contributing to the niche you are blogging about will eventually get you noticed by other bloggers.

One of the best ways to stay up to date in your particular niche is to subscribe to similar blogs. This will also help you to get ideas for your future posts. I subscribed to several great WordPress blogs and one recently caught my eye, WP Beaver Builder blog.

There are many benefits of using WordPress, and I’ll cover a significant list of Blogs where you can find the best WordPress Tutorials, tips, and guides. Some will only be beneficial to plugin and theme developers, while others exist purely as workflow enhancers for content producers.

These blogs can help you to secure your WordPress installation from hackers, optimize your blog for SEO, to find the best WordPress themes or even tutorials on creating your custom WordPress themes. As always, I have tried to collect the best resources, but there are too many high-quality WordPress Tutorial sites that exist today! If you know any other best blog related to WordPress, mention it in the comments section below, and I will add it while updating the post.

Top WordPress Tutorial Sites

1. MA.TT

Matthew Mullenweg is one of the most inspiring personalities of WordPress and the World Wide Web. He was born and raised in Houston, Texas and extensively blogs about coding, prose, and music. Matthew Mullenweg is the founding developer of WordPress.

2. WPTavern.com

The WordPress Tavern is a website focused on BuddyPress, bbPress, WordPress.com, and all Automattic projects. There you will find a very nice active message board where members discuss the latest news and developments in the WordPress Community. WPTavern.com is also the home of the WordPress Weekly Podcast hosted by Jeff Chandler.

3. WordPress.com Blog

WordPress.com Blog is the official WordPress Blog. The site focuses on two aspects of WordPress: the software and the people who are helping and working with WordPress. You can find interviews, plugin reviews, theme reviews, tutorials, and code hacks and a lot more. In fact, everything related to WordPress discussed here.

4. Justin Tadlock

Justin Tadlock provides tips and tricks, news, and how to improve WordPress design and its functionality. Well written and more in-depth tutorials diving into the Core of WordPress and its functionality.

5. LaunchParty

LaunchParty’s free course teaches beginners how to make WordPress sites using Elementor (the most popular WP page builder right now). Message matecustomers text and im you from your site. The course is organized into a 3-day challenge called “Website In A Weekend”. It covers everything from purchasing your domain name to designing your WordPress pages and blog posts using their free templates. Great for non-coders and non-designers who haven’t created a website before.

6. WordPress Planet

WordPress Planet is a blog about WordPress articles. This site is an active place for community members. You can see the same news feed on the Dashboard of every default installation of WordPress.

7. WordPress Codex

Of course, the first place is the official documentation of WordPress. If you are a new WordPress developer, here would be the right place for you to visit habitually. WordPress Codex contains information about every function of all versions of WordPress. You can also look for usage of any function if you don’t know.

8. WordPress TV

Best Wordpress Tutorial

WordPress TV is another official source of WP news. From which you can update the latest change of WordPress and its community, the WP development trend and problems in solve. This is also a place to show the WordCamp presentation all over the world so that you can learn lessons from other WordPress developers. You are highly recommended to watch this not to step behind the social movement.

9. WPBeginner

The name of this site indicates everything. Wpbeginner.com has almost everything to start with WordPress. It brings along with a lot of high-quality tips, tricks, hacks for WP newbies to follow and improve WordPress sites. Now, let subscribe to this website to receive news.

10. Tuts+ – Learn WordPress

Tuts+ provides tutorials and courses not just in WordPress but in many other fields. Besides premium courses that require a premium membership to access, there are also a lot of free article tutorials for beginners and web developers to learn. I would suggest you visit and read articles on Tuts+ frequently to earn yourself more techniques.

11. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is another recommendation to read good quality articles for Web designers and developers. WordPress is a certain part when talking about The Web. In Smashing Magazine, WordPress’s extended category comes with intermediate-level articles for readers with an emphasis on practical, hands-on discussions related to WordPress. Therefore, if you are looking for articles to improve the WordPress coding level, you can subscribe to this site to get the latest posts from them.

12. Mark Jaquith Blog

The best way of learning anything is to learn from experts. In this sense, I would like to introduce Mark blog. As he said and like many other developers “WordPress puts food on my table” – it is true. There are many useful tutorials for beginners and developers of WordPress to read and follow.

13. WordPress StackExchange

The active community is an essential factor to make WordPress be the most powerful CMS on the internet currently. It means you can receive help and support for any problem occurred. WordPress StackExchange is also a very good place to learn WordPress. Almost all common errors or trouble related to WP are answered. If Google can’t bring you to StackOverflow, you can go there yourself and search for your questions. Or even if the problem is new, then ask a new question. You will learn something.

14. DigWp.com

DigWP is a blog and home for the book, Digging Into WordPress, written by web-development veterans, Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr. At DigWP.com, you will find tons of awesome free WordPress resources, themes, and techniques to improve your WordPress-powered site. Check it out for in-depth articles, high-quality tutorials, plus all sorts of tricks, tips, and other awesome stuff that’s freely available to the WordPress community.

15. Kinsta Blog

Kinsta is a premium managed WordPress hosting provider and you can expect nothing less from their blog than quality articles. Their comprehensive, insightful guides on WordPress-related issues are written by experts for all users (from beginners to advanced). They also have an interview series called Kinsta Kingpin in which they chat with some of the top names in the WordPress community.

16. Lorelle

17. Hongkiat.com

Tavern Meaning

18. Noupe.com

19. Wpengineer.com

20. WordPress Arena

And the last but not least, WordPress Arena also provides tutorials for a specific topic on using WordPress, WP development, plugin & theme collection, review of WordPress items. Hopefully, those articles would be helpful for you.

Wrap up

There are a lot of sources for WordPress newbies & developers to learn or find a solution to WordPress development tasks. The above addresses are trusted sources for you to improve your knowledge and technique. Usb 3.5 floppy drive for macsteellasopa.

These are some of the WordPress Tutorial sites that WPArena is following regularly. If you think we had missed some important site, Please let us know in the comments section below and we will add it while updating.

They were long, round-nosed rifle bullets. Their copper metal jackets had the dull color of a worn penny, giving testimony to their age. The gun-barrel rifling impressions on their sides were typical of a bullet fired from a military weapon: four grooves and the resulting ridges called lands — all these marks twisted toward the right by the barrel’s internal rifling. Alongside the bullets were bullet fragments that revealed the contorted deformation of the lead and jacket metal when they expended a huge amount of energy upon impact.

These items were very typical of firearm evidence that I examined in my 30 years as a forensic scientist. However, what was not typical, and somewhat alien for me, was the setting: a secure room at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in College Park, Maryland.

Although the fired bullets were not unusual looking, they were extraordinary historically. These were the bullet artifacts from the John F. Kennedy assassination.

My former crime-laboratory supervisor at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives recommended me and our NIST forensic research team to help NARA preserve the JFK assassination bullets — by transforming them into a virtual form.

A Bit of International and Personal History

I distinctly remember where I was when I heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. My family found out about it the next day via a Voice of America radio broadcast where we lived in West Germany. My father was in the U.S. Air Force and was stationed at a USAF-NATO airbase. I was 8 years old, and my family lived in a village just outside the base.

President Kennedy was revered by the German populace, primarily due to the U.S. response to East Germany building the Berlin Wall in 1961. It was typical to see his portrait in German households. Thus, the outpouring of grief was probably as strong in Germany as it was in the U.S. My own sadness was paired with the anxiety and sadness of my father and mother, who were concerned that the assassination might have been perpetrated by an enemy nation, and, if so, the NATO base where my father worked might be called upon to send out its fighter-bombers in retaliation.

Little did I know how intimate I would someday become with the physical objects that ended the president’s life.

A Preservation Conundrum

In addition to many other items collected during the investigations that followed the assassination, the bullet and two bullet fragments that killed Kennedy and injured Texas Gov. John Connally are housed at the National Archives in a secure and climate-controlled environment. These items are closely controlled by NARA experts, as are a bullet that the assassin Lee Harvey Oswald fired from the same rifle seven months earlier in his attempt to assassinate retired Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker and the two bullets that the FBI test-fired from Oswald’s rifle after the Kennedy assassination.

Researchers or investigators sometimes inquire about seeing the assassination bullets, but NARA officials rarely release them for physical examination. Instead, photographs of the bullets have been made available to researchers. However, the technology was now available for an improved means of dissemination and preservation: creating virtual copies of the bullets and bullet fragments. If the actual ballistic items were accurately measured in 3D, then the National Archives could release the virtual copies for examination without risk of damage to or loss of the originals.

NIST had the instrumentation and metrological expertise to produce such virtual copies — virtual copies that can be rotated on a computer screen and viewed from any angle, with detail down to the microscopic level that couldn’t be seen even if one were holding the actual bullets. But how were we to accomplish this, since it would be impossible to move our huge research microscopes to the National Archives to scan the bullets? The answer was to have NARA officials bring the artifacts to NIST and witness the measurements being carried out.

And that is what happened.

The Work

Prior to the artifacts ever coming to NIST, our team carried out dry-run preparations for many weeks so that we would be well prepared for scanning the actual specimens. I had previously acquired similar ammunition and a 6.6x52 mm Carcano rifle from the firearm collection of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This was the kind of rifle the assassin used in the shooting. Because I had already closely examined the actual bullets and bullet fragments at NARA, I was able to fire the Carcano rifle at the ATF forensic science laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, to produce a similar collection of test-fired bullets and fragments. We used these items as training sets that mimicked the actual Kennedy bullets that we would be working with. Employing these samples, we refined our methods and solved instrument challenges well before the actual artifacts arrived. These early efforts would prove invaluable for the work that would ensue.

In addition, the NIST team designed a special apparatus made of a soft material to gently, but firmly, hold a bullet or fragment so no marks would be added to its surfaces during the 3D topography measurements.

Initially we estimated that it would take less than two weeks to scan the forensically relevant surface areas of the assassination bullets and test-fired bullets. We based this estimate on the existing photographs of the bullets and on visual examination of the bullets. However, when the items arrived and we viewed them using a 3D surface-topography microscope, we could see that the fragments and bullets had twice the surface area we had estimated. As with many plans using cutting-edge technology, the first timeline had to be tossed, and the “few days” expanded into several months. Compounding the challenge, advances in 3D topography technology were made during this time, allowing for an even more realistic virtual capture of the artifacts. So, the NIST and NARA teams decided to carry out yet another series of scans.


The field of forensic science has recently undergone tremendous technological advances. In the field of firearm identification, which determines which gun may have fired a particular bullet, 3D surface-topography microscopes represent the next-generation way to measure the “ballistic signature” of fired bullets and cartridge cases. These measurements are subjected to powerful mathematical algorithms to numerically quantify the similarity between the marks on a crime-scene bullet imparted by the rifling of the gun barrel compared with the barrel-rifling marks on a bullet subsequently test-fired from the gun suspected to have been used in the crime.

Many forensic experts recognize the NIST Forensic Toolmark Analysis Project (FTAP) research team as the world’s leader in the development and validation of these techniques. It was probably because of that reputation that I was contacted by my former crime-laboratory supervisor to assist NARA in preserving the JFK assassination bullets.


Through the expert work of NIST’s FTAP team, NARA now possesses virtual 3D “clones” of the actual ballistic artifacts, which it has shared with the public and interested researchers without the risk of damaging or losing the originals.

Through NIST’s work on these bullets, we have gained knowledge and developed methods for performing 3D surface measurements on some of the most technically challenging ballistic-evidence surfaces encountered in forensic casework. We’ve already started sharing that knowledge and those new methods with the forensic science community.

Wptavern Podcast

As with any undertaking of this magnitude, several NIST scientists from across NIST's laboratories worked together to make this project successful: namely, Brian Renegar, Alan Zheng, Hans Soons, Mike Stocker and Rick Silver. I was constantly impressed by their expertise, ingenuity, care and perseverance in what was a historic undertaking. I am proud to have taken part in it with them.

Wptavern Kinsta

If you'd like to learn more about the work my colleagues and I did, and also get some historical context for this unique project, check out the article 'Kennedy Assassination Bullets Preserved in Digital Form' and the video below.