Unity On Collision Enter

Collision detection is required for all types of games. Detecting and utilizing the collision is implemented in a different manner in different game engines. Unity collider can be added to any game object as a component. Also, you need to understand how colliders and rigidbody work together to efficiently use Unity colliders. Without a basic understanding of how Unity Colliders work, it will be very difficult to code the game mechanics.

  1. Unity Oncollisionenter Not Working
  2. Unity On Collision Enter 2d Not Working

In contrast to OnTriggerEnter, OnCollisionEnter is passed the Collision class and not a Collider. The Collision class contains information, for example, about contact points and impact velocity. Notes: Collision events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a non-kinematic rigidbody attached. Collision events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in. In the previous code, we use both the methods OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit, and, each time, we display the name of the object that is. A sphere or a cylinder). When you create a primitive in Unity, it will include a collider by default, and this collider can be set to. OnCollisionEnter messages will fire on the GameObject containing the Rigidbody, reaching your parent control script without needing to write an extra relay script to stick on each collider. If you need to find out which of your child colliders was involved in the collision, you can do it like so. Unity on collision enter; image.sprite unity; how to run code without a gameobject unity; unity Check if mouse clicked UI element; how to make a restart button in unity 2d; camera 2d follow script; unity multiplayer; unity url button; how to write coroutine in unity; how to make an player movement in UNITY.

If you are totally new to Unity check out how to learn Unity.

Unity colliders are very simple to use. Unity has divided the colliders into 2D and 3D. So you have to very careful which collider are you using. All your codes and collision detection will change for 2D and 3D. Further, there are types, static collider, rigidbody collider, kinematic rigidbody collider. The collider used in all these are the same, the type is for how the object to which the collider is added behaves.

Unity Collider Types

Static collider

Static colliders are considered to be non-moving objects by unity. Do not confuse static gameobject with static collider. If a rigidbody is not attached to a collider then it’s a static collider. They do not move when an object Collides to with them. Though, they can be moved using transform, moving a static collider leads to performance loss during runtime.

Rigidbody collider

A rigidbody collider works like a real-world object. It is governed by the forces of physics. If you apply force on it, it will move. In Unity, rigidbody is used on an object which will move a lot during gameplay. Check the screenshot for how a rigidbody is attached to a game object.

Kinematic rigidbody collider

A kinematic rigidbody is a rigidbody that behaves like a static object. So, the next question is then why to use a kinematic rigidbody. The main reason to use a kinematic rigidbody is to tell Unity that the object does not respond to forces but will be movable by script during runtime. The performance loss is very less in moving a kinematic rigidbody compared to a Static object.

OnCollisionEnter vs OnTriggerEnter

Unity onCollisionEnter

Unity will detect a collision only if one of the objects is a rigidbody. That is, if you have two gameobject marked as static colliders then collision between them will not be detected. It’s the same case with two kinematic rigidbody. If you use the OnCollisionEnter function in any of the above cases, the function will not be called during a Collision. Find the collision matrix for unity colliders in the image below.

Ref:unity docs

Unity Oncollisionenter Not Working

Unity OnTriggerEnter

When you mark a collider as a trigger, it no longer behaves like a solid object. It allows the other object to pass through it. But the time of one object entering another object’s space can trigger a function. With that, you can know if a collision has happened without actually creating a collision. You have to use the OnTriggerEnter function if the collider is Marked as a trigger. The collision matrix is a little different in the case of triggers.

Trigger collision doesn’t work if both the colliders are static colliders. In all the other cases the on trigger enter is called.Knowing these basic things about colliders will help you set them up easily in your game.

If you did not understand the matrix completely then here is a simple comparison to help you. Consider static colliders as object that don’t move like wall. Rigidbody collider denotes a moving object like a ball. Kinematic Rigidbody denotes that the object is not moved by physics but can be moved by script or animation.

Unity does not want to detect collision between two static objects so normal collision is detected only if one of the game object is a movable by physics. Where as trigger function works a little different. It works only if one of the collider is marked as trigger and can be moved either by physics or script.


Sample Unity collision script

unity OnCollisionEnter


In this script we are using a normal collision. “col” returns the collider of the game object. We further check if the game object is an enemy. If yes, we destroy it. Remember either the parent gameobject or the enemy game object needs to have a Rigidbody for this script to work.

Unity OnTriggerEnter

We can do the same thing with trigger with this code.

Pro tip: If the object is marked as trigger, it will pass through the obstacle and no collision physics will act.

Unity On Collision Enter

Other features in Unity OnCollisionEnter and OntriggerEnter

Unity On Collision Enter 2d Not Working

Both the examples of Unity OnCollisionEnter and OnTriggerEnter above shows that you can get the gameobject of the colliding object. Apart from that you can get a lot of data from the collision class object. Here is the list of things that you can get from the collision class

  1. collider- get the collider of the colliding object
  2. relative velocity- get the relative velocity between the colliding objects.
  3. transform- get the transform of the object hit.