Unity Matrix4x4

A matrix4x4 type has sixteen values, each accessible via the properties m11 through m44 in QML (in row/column order). Values of this type can be composed with the Qt.matrix4x4() function. Each attribute in a matrix4x4 is stored as a real (single-precision on ARM, double-precision on x86).

  1. Unity Matrix
  2. Unity Matrix4x4 Trs
  3. Unity Matrix4x4 Get Position

M03, is where Unity store the TX value (from Matrix4x4.TRS result) this mean that Unity store the TX value in row 0, col 3 instead of row 3, col 0 as expected from the standard math representation of a Matrix. Magic73, Sep 11, 2015 #8. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. Failed to parse UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 (Windows 10 UWP). Suggest a change. Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all. A matrix4x4 type has sixteen values, each accessible via the properties m11 through m44 in QML (in row/column order). Values of this type can be composed with the Qt.matrix4x4 function. Each attribute in a matrix4x4 is stored as a real (single-precision on ARM, double-precision on x86).

The matrix4x4 type has the following idempotent functions which can be invoked in QML:

Unity Matrix

Function SignatureDescriptionExample
matrix4x4 times(matrix4x4 other)Returns the matrix4x4 result of multiplying this matrix4x4 with the other matrix4x4
vector4d times(vector4d vector)Returns the vector4d result of transforming the vector according to this matrix4x4 with the matrix applied pre-vector
vector3d times(vector3d vector)Returns the vector3d result of transforming the vector according to this matrix4x4 with the matrix applied pre-vector
matrix4x4 times(real factor)Returns the matrix4x4 result of multiplying this matrix4x4 with the scalar factor
matrix4x4 plus(matrix4x4 other)Returns the matrix4x4 result of the addition of this matrix4x4 with the other matrix4x4
matrix4x4 minus(matrix4x4 other)Returns the matrix4x4 result of the subtraction of other matrix4x4 from this matrix4x4
vector4d row(int which)Returns the vector4d row of this specified by which. Note: the which is 0-based access into the matrix.
vector4d column(int which)Returns the vector4d column of this specified by which. Note: the which is 0-based access into the matrix.
real determinant()Returns the determinant of this matrix4x4
matrix4x4 inverted()Returns the inverse of this matrix4x4 if it exists, else the identity matrix.
matrix4x4 transposed()Returns the transpose of this matrix4x4
bool fuzzyEquals(matrix4x4 other, real epsilon)Returns true if this matrix4x4 is approximately equal to the other matrix4x4. The approximation will be true if each attribute of this is within epsilon of the respective attribute of other. Note that epsilon is an optional argument, the default epsilon is 0.00001.

This basic type is provided by the QtQuick import.

Unity Matrix4x4 Trs

See also QML Basic Types.

Unity Matrix4x4

Unity Matrix4x4 Get Position

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