Toby Young Twitter

Toby Young – 139,000 Twitter followers “The virus has melted into thin air. It’s time to get back to normal.” Toby Young has so much to say about coronavirus that he started his own newsletter. Jay Rayner's epic Twitter response to Toby Young leaves everyone stunned Food critic ended up arguing with journalist Toby Young after he accused him of calling out the teen for being privileged.

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All the sexist tweets deleted by Toby Young, the guy chosen by the government to advise on universities. 2018-01-03T12:54:00Z The letter F. It indicates the ability to. Toby Young was born in Buckinghamshire on October 17, 1963, the son of Labour peer Michael and radio producer Sasha Moorsom. Despite re-taking his O-Levels he gained a place to study PPE at. The best Twitter reactions to Toby Young's resignation. By The Newsroom. Tuesday, 9th January 2018, 11:17 am. Updated Tuesday, 9th January 2018, 11:17 am.

Tobias ??

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Toby Young to bring back the spirit of 1945. Toby Young is the son of the late great Michael Young[a,b], author of the 1945 Labour Party manifesto, the Rise of the Meritocracy, founder of the Open University, the Consumers Association, etc. [], May.15.2009 Next Left



  • Mar.23.2018: Toby Young quits New Schools Network, citing media pressure. Toby Young has stepped down from his govt-funded job as head of a charity supporting new free schools, blaming the pressure of media attention. Young’s resignation as chief executive of the NSN – for which he was paid £90,000 a year, came after the Guardian revealed the Dept for Education's reluctance to renew the charity’s grant while Young remained at its helm. Richard Adams, The Guardian.
  • Feb.26.2018: Ministers meddled in Toby Young getting OfS role, report finds. The Commissioner for Public Appointments' report castigates the Department for Education (DfE) and regulator the Office for Students (OfS) for failing to delve into Young's controversial writings and social media postings, and uncovers a high degree of direct meddling by ministers in Young’s appointment and No.10 Downing Street in other nominations. The OfS’s board appointments showed a 'clear disparity' in the treatment of different candidates, and that parts of the process 'had serious shortcomings in terms of the fairness and transparency aspects' under the code governing public appointments. The report reveals Jo Johnson, who was then Universities minister, contacted Young about applying for the post; and that his nomination was later queried by Justine Greening, then Education secretary. The commissioner also detailed the involvement of Downing Street special advisers in blocking nominees for the role on the OfS board, who were blacklisted because of previous involvement with student unions and their expressed opposition to the govt's Prevent counter-extremism programme. 'The evidence presented to the commissioner indicates that the decision on whether or not to appoint one candidate in particular was heavily influenced, not by the panel but by special advisers, notably from 10 Downing Street,' the report concluded. Emails and memos 'show that there had been a desire amongst ministers and special advisers not to appoint someone with close links to student unions, such as the National Union of Students'. The report also details the DfE’s repeated efforts to minimise or delay requests for information about the appointment process from the commissioner's office. The Guardian, Richard Adams
  • Jan.17.2018: In response to his critics, Toby Young may have dug an even deeper hole for himself. Conservative journalist Young has published an article in The Spectator, defending himself against detractors, in the aftermath of his resignation as a board member of the Office for Students. In the article, Young says he attended the 2017 London Conference on Intelligence. Young makes it clear he stands by his controversial comments in his 2015 paper on a form of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) that incorporates genetic testing for IQ. And he argues this technology 'should be banned for everyone except the very poor.' The Canary, Tom Coburg
  • Jan.11.2018: BBC Question Time. @DawnButlerBrent receives applause for comments on Toby Young scandal. 'The guy's deleted 45,000 tweets!.. I condemn all abuse against women.. Just over 12 months ago, he hired a stripper on Take Your Daughter to Work Day!!' Dominic Raab, Dawn Butler: The announcement of Toby's appointment was sneaked out at 1 minute past midnight. Gina Miller: Nish Kumar: comedian, Piers Morgan: a Murdoch henchman. Twitter, @RosieDuffield1
  • Jan.11.2018: ‘Serious failing’: inquiry to scrutinise Toby Young’s OfS appointment. The Commissioner for Public Appointments says row that led to Young's resignation highlights need for greater due diligence. Peter Riddell has launched an inquiry into the 'serious failing' of appointed Toby Young to the board of the Office for Students. The Guardian, Richard Adams
  • Jan.11.2018: With his views on eugenics, why does Toby Young still have a job in education? As for Toby Young, whose Free Schools Network comes up for a new contract shortly, how can someone who toys with eugenics expect to hold a post in education, where all classes and races should be treated equally? He wrote in a conservative Australian journal only two years ago, “My proposal is this: once this technology [genetically engineered intelligence] becomes available, why not offer it free of charge to parents on low incomes with below-average IQs?” to address “the problem of flat-lining inter-generational social mobility”. Young’s New Schools Network is an odd beast, a charity drawing £2m, 90% of its income, from the state, to advocate and help people set up new schools. But there haven’t been any successful applications since before the 2015 election. The closing date for the renewed contract to the NSN is Jan.19 – though it has always gone to the same outfit. Toby Young earns some £90,000 per year as its head. There is, in the tender, no mention of applicants being fit and proper – or non-eugenicists. The Guardian, Polly Toynbee
  • Jan.11.2018: Toby Young - We Name The Guilty Men. He has now resigned his position as a Fulbright Commissioner, following departure from the board of the newly-formed Office for Students. His presence at the London Conference on Intelligence last year, alongside white supremacists and the occasional paedophile, was not the only eugenics bash he had attended recently - there had been another in Montreal. Today we name the guilty men + women who enabled him: Boris Johnson,Jo Johnson, Michael Gove, Sarah Vine, Piers Morgan, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Isabel Oakeshott, Paul Staines, Alex Wickham, Fraser Nelson, Laura Perrins, Tony Gallagher, plus the BBC, Sky News, .. Zelo Street, Tim Fenton
  • Jan.10.2018: Julia Hartley Dooda Toby Young Lies. Efforts among the right-leaning Pundit Establishment to reinvent the affair continue. These consist, more or less, of lying about who dealt Tobes the fatal blow, claiming it was the Rotten Lefties (tm) rather than his fellow OfS board members and influential back-bench Tory MPs like Rob Halfon. at the front of this blame and lying game is self-promoting Talk Radio host Julia Hartley Brewer. Zelo Street, Tim Fenton
  • Jan.10.2018: Toby Young - The REAL Reason He Went. What Tobes knew was that the latest Private Eye magazine (#1461, story is on p.11) would become known as Tuesday wore on. The contents include 'Last year Young was invited by psychologist James Thompson to attend a secretive conference at UCL called the London Conference on Intelligence.' Eugenics + White Supremacy. Zelo Street, Tim Fenton
  • Scan of Private Eye article here: @PaulLewisMoney
  • Also see The Canary
  • Jan.10.2018: London's eugenics conference and its neo-Nazi links. London Student, '
  • Jan.10.2018: A few people are speculating about Toby Young's resignation. To clear up any doubt, I let him know that we were aware of his attendance at a eugenics conference and he provided a statement on Monday morning. He resigned that night; make of that what you will. (Also see @Effy_Yeomans) Twitter, @Effy_Yeomans
  • Jan.09.2018: How barrage of nudges made OfS position untenable. The self-styled provocateur was helped on his way by a growing rebellion among fellow board members and Tory allies. Just who was responsible for adding Young’s name to the shortlist of candidates remains a mystery, although his application was waved through by several powerful figures. Robert Halfon concerned re 'progressive eugenics'. (More names..) The Guardian, Richard Adams
  • Jan.09.2018: Toby Young - We’re Not Finished Yet. Miles King: 'let's look at the New Schools Network, where he is Director. This is a political project, designed to bring the US model of Charter Schools to the UK. Nevertheless, the New Schools Network is a charity. The New Schools Network had £2.48m income to Mar.2017. £2.13m was a Department of Education grant. So this ‘charity’ is 86% funded by the govt. During 2016-17 one staff member earned £70-80k and one earned £90-100k.' Who might those individuals have been? (More. do a map) Zelo Street, Tim Fenton
  • Jan.09.2018: Why I’m resigning from the Office for Students. Spectator, Toby Young
  • Jan.09.2018: Toby Young resigns from university watchdog role as Theresa May cabinet reshuffle turns to chaos. Toby Young has resigned from his universities watchdog role apologising for the offence his social media posts and writings have caused over the years, just two days after the Prime Minister defended his controversial appointment to the role. London Ecoomic,
  • Jan.08.2018: Excellent question from @LauraSmithMP about the (un)suitability of Toby Young to be a university regulator. Mysogenistic and outrageous views about the disabled must disqualify him from being a government appointee. @BambosMP >> That Prime Minister Theresa May and Jo Johnson think it’s ok to appoint Toby Young a man who has joked about anal rape is just shocking #parliament unbelievable scenes how can they defend it?? Minister Jo Johnson does. (HoC video) Twitter, @ChunkyMark
  • Jan.09.2018: [{{{6}}} The previous incumbent of Toby Young’s £100,000 pa directorship of the govt-funded New Schools Networkwas: Nick Timothy.] Twitter @GeorgyBradders,
  • 2018.01.07: We’re already paying Toby Young £100,000 pa from the Dept of Education’s budget. Now the DfE have given the odious man another job and even more of our money? Why? #Marr @GeorgyBradders
    • Pics of Remuneration + Directors' Salaries from the accounts.
    • Toby Young to take over as head of New Schools Network. Tory journalist and co-founder of West London Free School vows to be ‘non-partisan’ as director of govt-funded charity. The Guardian, Richard Adams
  • 2018.01.08: Petition Calling For Toby Young To Be Sacked From Office For Students Passes 200,000 Signatures, Jo Johnson (Boris's brother) appointed Toby Young to the role. Theresa May said she didn't know about Young's history. Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator for which Young writes a column, backed the appt. 'Jobs for mates'. HuffPost
  • 2018.01.08: Refused to apologise or admit what he said was wrong. Dismissed opposition and said it was just because he is Conservative and supports Brexit. He's never apologised (as May claims), nor has he admitted his comments were vile and unacceptable. Instead, he said he 'regrets' making 'politically incorrect' comments. This is neither apology nor acceptance of wrongdoing. He doesn't think he did anything wrong.[1]
  • 2018.01.07: The row over Toby Young’s appointment isn’t petty – it’s about political values.(Article precis in Conservative_Party. iNews, Ian Birrell
  • 2018.01.07: .. Let's look at the New Schools Network, where he is Director. This is a political project, designed to bring the US model of Charter Schools to the UK. Nevertheless, the New Schools Network is a charity. The New Schools Network had £2.48M income to 3/17. £2.13M was a department for Education grant. So this 'charity' is 86% funded by the Government. During 2016-17 one staff member earned £70-80k & one earned £90-100k. (More..) @MilesKing10
  • 2018.01.04: Toby Young Drug Dealing Shame. By his own admission, he has done far worse than all those whom “Fake Sheikh” Mazher Mahmood stung. He has both dealt and consumed copious quantities of Charlie. Zelo Street, Tim Fenton
  • 2018.01.??: Yvette Cooper MP, Dr Sarah Wollaston, Robert Halfon, Alan Brown, Dawn Butler MP protested against Toby Young in Parliament. Jo Johnson MP insisted Mr Young would 'make a valuable contribution'. [2]
  • 2009: sexual harassment
  • ??: he pervs on Danny Boyle's child
  • ??: he said women are naturally less into computers..
  • 2018.01.06: Toby Young believes in nothing but Tobyism. Toby was foul, duplicitous and sloppy: the most obnoxious writer I ever employed, Janice Turner, The Times
  • 2018.01.05: Boris Johnson's 'Tank-Topped Bumboys' Comment Makes Him 'Unfit' To Be Foreign Secretary, Says Labour, HuffPost, Ned Simons
    • 2013.04.27: Rise of the intolerant liberals.Spectator (paywall),
    • 2012.06.12: I am living proof that ‘two-tier’ exams work. Young wrote about the “ghastly” need for schools to be inclusive by having things like wheelchair ramps., No Sacred Cows (Young's personal blog), LeftFootForward Jul.02.2012, Reddit discussing LFF's article: Reddit,
    • 2011.02.26: Young condemned a school in Stoke Newington for celebrating LGBT rights with a week of lessons focussed on the issue.Spectator (Google cache) /,
    • 2001.11.10, in the Spectator (when Johnson was editor), Young mocked an actress for suggesting she had been raped. Spectator
    • 2001.12.01: In a theatre review, Young wrote: “This is clear from the moment the curtain goes up, revealing six pairs of naked breasts. They’re good breasts, too, belonging to women who don’t look a day over 18.” Spectator
    • 2000: Young wrote for men’s magazine GQ about disguising himself as a lesbian, including by putting on a wig, and trying to infiltrate gay bars in New York to kiss other women, some of whom he referred to as 'hard-core dykes'.
  • 2018.01.05: Three more reasons to sign the petition to sack Toby Young.The Canary, Frea Lockley


  • Nov.03.2017: On genetics and social mobility: why Toby Young’s structural inequality argument is not science. London School of Economics, Leon Feinstein
  • Oct.02.2017: Iain Dale’s 100 most influential people on the Right 2017. Columnist and Broadcaster, Director of the New Schools Network. Young has become almost ever-present on our screens and radios, giving his views on all sorts of issues. An eloquent broadcaster and combative writer, he’s never knowingly uncontroversial. Conservative Home, Iain Dale
  • May.02.2017: TNG with Toby Young on Education Reform. Toby will be talking about the education reform agenda. Toby will discuss whether education reform agenda has been effective and how the agenda can be made more effective. Unlike most journalists, Toby wasn't content to sit on the sidelines and complain. He set up the West London Free School in 2012 and has opened a number of primary schools since. He's currently the Director of the New Schools Network, a charity that assists parents in opening up new free schools. Adam Smith Institute, Adam Smith Institute


  • Oct.03.2016: Iain Dale’s 100 most influential people on the Right. Columnist and Broadcaster. Young has become an almost constant presence on our screens and radios, giving his views on all sorts of issues. An eloquent broadcaster and combative writer, he’s never knowingly uncontroversial. Conservative Home, Iain Dale


  • 2011.03.02: Free schools: Toby Young's is first to get go-ahead. The parent-led West London Free School, set up by Toby Young, is the first to sign a funding agreement with the govt. Palingswick House is owned by Hammersmith and Fulham Council. The plan is that the govt would buy it + transfer the deeds from the council to the school's Academy Trust. If the school later lost its funding agreement with the govt, the deeds would be transferred to the Dept for Education., BBC News, Angela Harrison


  • 2009.05.15: The Anti-Sleaze Party. I got a curious email yesterday from my friend James Evans, who runs 'Why don’t you stand as an independent at the general election? Never will be a better time for independents, you know the media and even with any new rules cld probably earn enough as an MP.' {..} My first thought was: Paul Staines, aka Guido Fawkes. Oh, what the hell. If 24 other people can be persuaded to throw their hats into the ring, I’m game. Over to you, Guido. The Spectator, Toby Young


  • 2008.10: How To Lose Friends and Alienate People (film based on book), YouTube trailler


  • 2002.07: How To Lose Friends and Alienate People (book), Toby Young Amazon
  • 2002.07.08: My Greatest Mistake: Toby Young, former contributing editor at Vanity Fair. In 1995, I was working at Vanity Fair. I discovered that it was the birthday of one of my co-workers, and thought it would be a good idea to hire a strippagram to surprise him in the office. I persuaded Elizabeth, the fashion director, to use her suite of offices for the festivities, and lured my friend down there for his surprise. Soon, the stripper was duly strutting her stuff. Everything was going swimmingly – until we heard a knock on the door. It was Bronwyn Carter, the editor-in-chief's three-year-old daughter, who asked if she could see the fashion department. 'Not right now, honey.' [..] It suddenly dawned on me that I'd hired a stripper on Take Your Daughters to Work Day. We had to try to sneak the stripper out, and at the end of the proceedings we had a dozen witnesses, whom I swore to secrecy. I thought, 'Phew, it's over', but I underestimated the bush telegraph. The Independent, Clare Dwyer Hogg


  1. ^David Lammy, Twitter, Jan.08.2017
  2. ^ Toby Young appointment attacked by Tory MPs, BBC News, Jan.08.2017
Retrieved from ‘’
Young in 2011
You gotta spin it to win it
Stop the presses!
We want pictures
of Spider-Man!
Extra! Extra!
v - t - e

Toby Daniel Moorsom Young (1963–) is a right-wingBritishjournalist, author, and former director of several educational institutions. He is known for supporting eugenics, making homophobic and misogynistic comments on Twitter, and for admitting to being high on cocaine in a London club.

In January 2018 Toby was controversially appointed to the post of non-executive director on the board of the Office for Students.[1] He resigned slightly over a week later after significant public pressure over his large number of misogynistic and homophobic tweets.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

Support of eugenics[edit]

Private Eye published the first article ('Toby Young Breeds Contempt') that exposed the UCL conferences were attended by white supremacists and sexists.

In 2015, Young wrote an article for the Australian magazine Quadrant entitled 'The fall of meritocracy'. In it he advocated what he termed 'progressive eugenics'. Young proposed that when the technology for genetically engineered intelligence is practical it should be allowable for a decision to be made by poor parents with low IQs over which embryos should be allowed to develop using intelligence as a marker. 'It could help to address the problem of flat-lining inter-generational social mobility', he wrote.[10][11]

Toby Fox Twitter

Toby young lockdown twitter

Wildgame innovations wgi software. In January 2018, Private Eye[12] and the London Student[13] revealed that Young attended the London Conference on Intelligence at University College London (UCL) in 2017, which was described by the media and a number of politicians as a 'secret eugenics conference'.[14] The conference was convened by Honorary UCL professor James Thompson, and included speakers such as Richard Lynn.[15]

Drug use[edit]

In 2001 Toby admitted to haven taken cocaine at the Groucho Club in central London[16] in 1997, as well as supplying drugs to others. As such activities are against the Club rules he was subsequently expelled in late 2001 after writing about the cocaine use of his friends whom he had supplied with the drug during a photo shoot for Vanity Fair.[17]


In March 2020 he wrote an article in The Critic on COVID-19 that was condemned.[18] In the article he wrote:

Like a growing number of people, I’m beginning to suspect the Government has overreacted to the coronavirus crisis. I’m not talking about the cost to our liberty, although that’s worrying, but the economic cost.

Toby Young Free Speech Union Twitter

Even if we accept the statistical modelling of Dr Neil Ferguson’s team at Imperial College, which I’ll come to in a minute, spending £350 billion to prolong the lives of a few hundred thousand mostly elderly people is an irresponsible use of taxpayer’s money.[18]

Toby Young Lockdown Skeptic

Journalist Ruth Wishart tweeted:

I daresay most sentient beings believe Toby Young is heartless, waste of space. So you do wonder why he feels it necessary to keep proving it.[18]

Byline Times editor Peter Jukes tweeted:

In normal times the far right eugenicist views of people like Toby Young are just shameful and embarrassing. During a pandemic they can be outright deadly.[18]

In the article, Young argued for ending the lockdown before April 14 2020, a view similar to one espoused by Donald Trump.[18]

Critics had suggested that Young would change his mind if he contracted COVID-19, to which he said he thought he'd already had it, adding:

If the Government does end the lockdown, and it turns out that by the time I require critical care the NHS cannot accommodate me, I won’t regret writing this.[18]


  1. Adams, Richard (1 January 2018). 'Toby Young to help lead government's new universities regulator'. The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077.
  2. Ashley Cowburn (3 January 2018). 'Toby Young deletes thousands of tweets amid row over his universities regulator appointment'. The Independent. 'Labour has since demanded that Theresa May reverse his appointment because of what the party said was a history of 'homophobia and misogyny'
  3. Adam Payne (3 January 2018). 'All the sexist tweets deleted by Toby Young, the guy chosen by the government to advise on universities'. Business Insider. 'However, Labour has urged May to reverse the appointment, citing a series of tweets Young has now deleted which have been described as sexist, homophobic and insulting to a number of groups.'
  4. Rosemary Bennett (4 January 2018). 'Toby Young says new free schools ‘must show they are needed’'. The Times. 'His appointment has been heavily criticised, first on the ground that Mr Young is poorly qualified for the job and then on ground that he has poor judgment after a slew of sexually derogatory tweets emerged. Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, joint leaders of the new National Education Union, have become the latest to criticise the appointment. In a letter to Ms Greening, they say Mr Young has made 'unacceptable comments on disability, students from state schools getting into Oxbridge and children with special education needs. As equalities minister the sexist and homophobic comments Mr Young has made publicly must be as unacceptable to you as they are to the National Education Union.'
  5. Kentish, Ben (7 January 2018). 'Theresa May refuses to sack Toby Young over misogynistic and homophobic tweets'. The Independent. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
  6. Rawlinson, Kevin; Phipps, Claire (9 January 2018). 'Toby Young resigns from the Office for Students after backlash'. The Guardian. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
  7. Benjamin Kentish (9 January 2018). 'Theresa May refuses to sack Toby Young over misogynistic and homophobic tweets'. The Independent. 'Theresa May has backed Toby Young to continue in his new role with the higher education watchdog, despite mounting pressure to sack him over a series of misogynistic and homophobic tweets.'
  8. Martin Coulter (9 January 2018). 'Toby Young resigns from Office for Students after backlash over his Twitter posts'. London Evening Standard. 'Mr Young had come under increasing scrutiny since his appointment in early January, when posts from his Twitter account were unearthed in which he was alleged to have made sexist and homophobic remarks.'
  9. 'Education: Monumental errors of judgement on education by the Prime Minister'. Sheffield Telegraph. 11 January 2018. 'May said she was 'not impressed' with his language on Twitter when sexist, homophobic and other offences posts were revealed.'
  10. Peyser, Robin de (9 January 2018). 'Toby Young tweets: the comments that led to his resignation'. London Evening Standard. Retrieved 11 January 2018.
  11. Young, Toby (7 September 2015). 'The Fall of the Meritocracy'. Quadrant. Retrieved 11 January 2018.
  12. 'Toby Young breeds contempt'. Private Eye (Pressdram Ltd) (1461): p. 11. January 2018.
  13. Van Der Merwe, Ben (10 January 2018). 'Exposed: London’s eugenics conference and its neo-Nazi links – London Student'. London Student. Retrieved 30 January 2018.
  14. Baynes, Chris (11 January 2018). 'University College London launches 'eugenics' probe after controversial secret conference on campus'. The Independent. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  15. Rawlinson, Kevin; Adams, Richard (11 January 2018). 'UCL to investigate eugenics conference secretly held on campus'. The Guardian. Retrieved 11 January 2018.
  16. Milner, Catherine; Hastings, Chris (4 November 2001). 'White powder scare at the Groucho'. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  17. Young, Toby (18 November 2001). 'I've been kicked out of the club'. The Observer. Retrieved 4 January 2018.
  18., Laura. 'Coronavirus: Fury over Toby Young's claims about elderly people'. The National.
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