Apache Web Server Latest Version

  1. Apache Web Server Tutorial
  2. Download Apache Web Server
  3. Apache Web Server Latest Version Latest
  4. What Version Of Apache
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Apache Web Server Latest Version

The Apache Struts Team informs about discontinuing support for Struts 2.3.x branch, we recommend migration to the latest version of Struts, read more in Announcement Apache Struts 2.3.37 GA It's the latest release of Struts 2.3.x which contains the latest security fixes, released on 30 December 2018. The Apache HTTP Server, has been updated from version 2.4.6 to version 2.4.37 between RHEL 7 and RHEL 8. This updated version includes several new features, but maintains backwards compatibility with the RHEL 7 version at the level of configuration and Application Binary.

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This tutorial will explain to Install latest version apache on ubuntu from source. This tutorial provides detailed information and step by step method to achieve this. Apache Web Server. Apache is a very well known open-source Web Server. It is not only popular but also very old Web Server. The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.

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Apache Web Server

What is Discovered and Monitored


Information discovered

Metrics collected

Used for


Application type

Process level metrics: CPU utilization, Memory utilization

Performance Monitoring

HTTP(S) via the mod-status module

Apachemetrics: Uptime, CPU load, Total Accesses, Total Bytes Connections, Requests/sec, Bytes/sec, Bytes/req, Busy Workers, Idle Workers

Performance Monitoring


Application type

W3C access logs: attributes include Client IP, URL, User Agent, Referrer, HTTP Version, HTTP Method, HTTP Status Code, Sent Bytes, Received Bytes, Connection Duration

Do death knights have a way to reduce fall dmg. Security Monitoring and compliance

Event Types

In ADMIN > Device Support > Event, search for 'apache' in the Device Type and Description column to see the event types associated with this device.


InRESOURCE > Reports , search for 'apache' in the Name column to see the reports associated with this device.



FortiSIEM uses SNMP to discover and monitor this device. Make sure SNMP is enabled for the device as directed in its product documentation. For more information, refer to sections 'Discovery Settings' and 'Setting Credentials' in the User Guide.


To communicate with FortiSIEM over HTTPS, you must configure the mod_status module in your Apache web server.

  1. Log in to your web server as an administrator.
  2. Open the configuration file /etc/Httpd.conf.
  3. Modify the file as shown in these code blocks, depending on whether you are connecting over HTTP without authentication, or over HTTPS with authentication.
    Without AuthenticationWith Authentication
  4. If you are using authentication, you will have to add user authentication credentials.
    1. Go to /etc/httpd, and if necessary, create an account directory.
    2. In the account directory, create two files, users and groups.
    3. In the groups file, enter admin:admin.
    4. Create a password for the admin user.

  5. Reload Apache.

You can now configure FortiSIEM to communicate with your device. For more information, refer to sections 'Discovery Settings' and 'Setting Credentials' in the User Guide.


Install and configure Epilog application to send syslog to FortiSIEM

  1. Download Epilog from Epilog download site and install it on your Windows Server.
  2. For Windows, launch Epilog from Start→All Programs→InterSect Alliance→Epilog for windows
  3. For Linux, type http://<yourApacheServerIp>:6162
  4. Configure Epilog application as follows
    1. Go to Log Configuration. Click Add button and add the following log files to be sent to FortiSIEM
      • /etc/httpd/logs/access_log
      • /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_access_log
    2. Go to Network Configuration
      1. Set AO System IP(all-in-1 or collector) in Destination Server address ( here);
      2. Set 514 in Destination Port text area
      3. Click Change Configuration to save the configuration
    3. Apply the Latest Audit Configuration. Apache logs will now sent to FortiSIEM in real time.
Apache web server latest version free

Define the Apache Log Format

You must define the format of the logs that Apache will send to FortiSIEM.

  1. Open the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf for editing.
  2. Add this line to the file.
  3. Uncomment this line in the file.
  4. Add this line to the file.
  5. Reload Apache.

Apache Syslog Log Format

Apache Web Server Latest Version

Settings for Access Credentials

SNMP Access Credentials for All Devices

Use these Access Method Definition settings to allow FortiSIEM to communicate with your device over SNMP. Fill 5. Set the Name and Community String.

Apache Web Server Tutorial

Name<set name>
Device TypeGeneric
Access ProtocolSNMP
Community String<your own>

Download Apache Web Server

Settings for Apache Web Server HTTPS Access Credentials

Use these Access Method Definition settings to allow FortiSIEM to communicate with your Apache web server over https.

Apache Web Server Latest Version Latest

Device Typegeneric
Access ProtocolHTTP or HTTPS
Port80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS)
User NameThe admin account you created when configuring HTTPS
PasswordThe password associated with the admin account

What Version Of Apache

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