Postage $aver For Parcels

Postage $aver allows you to sort mailing lists according to the United States Postal Service (USPS) regulations. The order in which the mailings are sorted depends on the mail category you use, be. Ipodapple inc.. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Dvd burning software free for mac os xfasrsun.

USPS does not want to handle mis-addressed bulk mail, because it increases their costs. So they have two different kinds of accuracy checking. You may be required to use one or both of these checks, as we'll explain.
Has the recipient moved?
USPS is not allowed to leave mail if the recipient has moved, so they require you to check your mailing list against the National Change of Address (NCOA) data base, and update any changed addresses, in order to qualify for most bulk mail rates. This is called the Move Update requirement.

Postage $saver For Parcels Uk

But if you're ok with USPS leaving the mail at the address on the envelope even if the person has moved away, you can avoid the NCOA check by just printing 'OR CURRENT RESIDENT' in the address, right under the name. Or, you can leave the name off completely, and just use something like 'POSTAL CUSTOMER' or 'THE FOLKS AT' instead of the name.
(If you're ok with doing that, you can skip down to section on checking zip codes.)
You also don't have to do the NCOA check if:
  • everyone on your list contacted you and gave you their address within the past 95 days (for example, when placing an order);
  • if you already mailed to the same addresses within the past 95 days, and you used 'Address Correction Requested' or a similar marking on that mailing, and you updated your list with any address changes you received;
  • if you are legally required to use the address on your list (for example if you are mailing voting material that must, by law, be sent to the address at which the voter is registered); or,
  • you're using Bound Printed Matter rates, Periodical Class rates, or First Class Package Services, for which the Move Update requirement does not apply.
If you don't want to include 'OR CURRENT RESIDENT' in your addresses, and the other exceptions don't apply, you'll need to have an 'NCOA18' check run on your list. There are companies that will do that for a small fee, typically around $4 per thousand names, with a minimum charge around $45 per list. Several companies that our customers use are:
  • (choose the 'Move18® NCOALink®' option)
  • Anchor Computer
If you are mailing to the same list more than once every 95 days, the cheapest way to handle move update (or than using 'OR CURRENT RESIDENT') is to use 'Address Correction Requested' or a similar USPS service on each mailing. You'll still need to do NCOA18 before the first mailing where you add address correction, but you won't need to use NCOA18 after that.
For more details on the move update requirement, see our Move Update page.
Is the zip+4 code complete and accurate, and do you have an accurate 'delivery point code'?
If you want to get extra discounts for adding barcodes to your bulk mail, you must first have accurate zip+4 codes (not just 5-digit zip codes) plus an extra two digits called a 'delivery point code' that specifies the exact mailbox where the piece should be delivered. The delivery point code is never printed on the mail, but is included in the barcode.
The process to verify the zip+4 and delivery point codes is called 'CASS certification'. You are required to 'CASS certify' your list if you are adding barcodes to your mail. Barcoding is not required for bulk mail (contrary to what even some USPS personnel may tell you), but can give you additional savings. The barcoding option is explained a little bit down the page.
CASS certification is usually included with NCOA18 at no extra charge. If you are not using NCOA, you can buy software to CASS certify your list, but it's far too expensive for most small to medium volume mailers. A better bet is to use one of the companies listed above as NCOA providers. They also do CASS certification separately, at prices somewhat lower than NCOA18 (typically $3/thousand with a $30 minimum).
If you are mailing to the same addresses more than once, you only need to have CASS certification done every 180 days. If a few addresses change, you can look up those addresses using the zip code lookup on the USPS web site. It provides full 9-digit zip codes and delivery point codes.
For more details on CASS certification, see CASS certification page. CASS certification is NOT required for bulk parcel mailings, even though they have barcodes.
We've updated Postage $aver for Parcels to keep up with the latest postal changes, and made some software improvements. Here are the details. Note that each update includes all previous updates, so you only need to download and install the latest.

What’s new in Version 3.3.2 – March, 2021

Postal Updates:
  • Updated for March and April USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after April 1, 2021. (May be used before then).
Software Improvements:
  • We added an option to print one shipping label per page, with no margin. This allows you to use some other label printers in addition to Zebra printers.
    Since each brand and model of label printer has its own special software and printer language, we cannot guarantee that Postage $aver for Parcels will print to any particular brand of label printer, other than Zebra, for which we wrote special code that works specifically with the Zebra printer language.
    So if you have a label printer other than Zebra that you want to use, we suggest you just try it to see if it works. Please let us know if you get any unusual results.
    To use a label printer other than Zebra, just select that setting on the print dialog that appears when you Postage $aver for Parcels is ready to print shipping labels, and select your printer from the printer list on that screen.
  • We replaced the info circles with help links on various screens to remove clutter, and we improved the help information that you see when clicking on a help link.
  • We added a warning where Windows prevents Postage $aver from saving information in your file, because of an incorrect detection in Windows 'Controlled Folder Access' (ransomware protection).
  • We fixed a bug where the address correction endorsements were not disabled when 'or current resident' was selected, even though address correction cannot be used with 'or current resident'.
  • We fixed several other minor bugs.

What’s new in Version 3.3.1 – January, 2021

Postal Updates:
  • The annual postage rate increase is effective on Jan. 24. This update includes the new rates and corresponding changes to postage statements. While the impact of the increases varies depending on the exact breakdown of your shipment, the overall increases are as follows:
    First Class Package Service - up 6.5%
    Marketing Mail Parcels - up 16.8%
    Parcel Select Lightweight - up 20%
    Bound Printed Matter Parcels - no change
  • Updated for January and February USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after February 1, 2021. (May be used before then).
  • USPS has clarified which information is required or optional on customs forms for mail to military addresses, and we have made those changes on the customs form setting screen.
  • USPS has changed the name of 'Premium Tracking' to 'USPS Tracking Plus', and we've made that change. This is the program where you can have tracking information retained by USPS for a longer than usual time period.
Software Improvements:
  • We improved the Mail Preparation Instructions report by clearly showing the savings for each shipment, the supplies required, and some other helpful assembly information.
  • We fixed some minor bugs.

What’s new in Version 3.2.11 – December 27, 2020

Postal Updates:
  • Updated for the end of temporary USPS postage price increases, effective December 27, 2020.
  • Updated for December and January USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after January 1, 2021. (May be used before then).
Software Improvements:
  • You can now track most any USPS parcel from the main screen of Postage $aver for Parcels. Just enter the USPS tracking number, and you can view and print tracking information from the USPS tracking system. (Some international parcels are not available.)
  • For Mac users, we verified that this version will run properly on the new Mac Big Sur operating system.
  • The software now recognizes that 6-digit mailer IDs cannot start with '9'.
  • We fixed a minor bug that could cause the software not to be able to save information to defective Excel files.

What’s new in Version 3.2.10 – October 18, 2020

ForPostal Updates:
  • Updated for USPS postage price increases effective October 18, 2020 - December 26, 2020.
  • Updated for November USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after December 1, 2020. (May be used before then).

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed bug that caused incorrect sack information to be included in the tracking file uploaded to USPS.

What’s new in Version 3.2.9 – September, 2020

Postal Updates:
  • Updated for September and October USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after October 1, 2020. (May be used before then).
  • On the Customs Form screen, we have made the AES/ITN/Exemption field a required field, in accordance with changes to customs rules enforced by USPS effective Jan. 1, 2021.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed several minor bugs.

What’s new in Version 3.2.8 – July 2020

Postal Updates:
  • USPS has eliminated the 'Return Receipt for Merchandise' service, so we have removed it from the software. Paper and electronic return receipts are still available and can still be specified in the software.
  • Updated for July and August USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after August 1, 2020. (May be used before then).

Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed bug where the USPS transaction number was blank under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed bug where a six-digit Mailer ID was not correctly designated in the Shipping Services File.
  • Fixed error checking to allow a 9999 +4 code if 'General Delivery' is in the address.
  • Fixed bug that would cause a crash if printing was attempted when no printer or default printer had been specified. (Mac only)
  • Fixed incorrect tab order on statement screens. (Mac only)

What’s new in Version 3.2.7 – May 2020

Postal Updates:
  • Updated for May and June USPS routing changes required for mail sent on or after June 1, 2020. (May be used before then).
New Features:
  • You can now print a USPS scan form (Form ps5630) after uploading the SSF file to USPS. This form is not required, but it makes it easier for USPS to locate your shipment in their system. And, when they scan it, your shipment will automatically show up as accepted by USPS on tracking screens and tracking reports.
  • The software can now automatically add 'OR CURRENT RESIDENT' or similar wording to your labels, if that's the Move Update method you choose. You no longer need to include it in a column in your mailing list. (For Marketing Mail and PSLW only, as the other services do not require Move Update).
  • You can now include a job title line in the recipient's address. You'll see a new optional Job Title column selector on the Column Selection screen.
  • Sack numbers are now included in Mail Preparation Instructions report.
Postal Option Changes:
  • The software now supports NDC pricing for NDC pallets of 200 pounds or more entered at origin, per USPS rule. (Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight only).
  • For Signature Confirmation service and for Insurance over $500, we've added the new USPS option to allow (or disallow) a customer's e-signature instead of a physical signature.
  • For Bound Printed Matter Irregular Parcels, we've removed bundles for 5-digit schemes, per USPS rule. (Bundles for non-scheme 5-digit zips are still produced, as required.)
Error Checking and Reporting:
  • The Rejected Pieces list (on the Mail Preparation Instructions report) now shows each rejected address' new location in your mailing list file after sorting, in addition to its original location, to make it easier to find and fix.
  • Military addresses are rejected if using the 'or current resident' Move Update method, per USPS rule.
  • Fixed bug where missing leading zeros are automatically added to zip+4, but which worked if one or two zeros were missing, but not if all three were missing.
  • Error checking now rejects addresses with -0000 or -9999 as zip+4, as these are never valid and USPS will reject the piece.
  • We fixed a bug where an error in a user-provided serial number error would not be caught if there was a delivery point code error on the same address, even though a delivery point code error is not cause for rejection of the record.
  • We fixed abug in the Rejected Pieces list where the reported record number was one number too low, on .csv and tab-separated files that have column titles in the first row.
  • We fixed a bug where the Rejected Pieces list could print off the bottom of the page.
Operating Changes:
  • The updated mailing list file is now saved before reports are printed, for smoother operation.
  • If the mailing list file cannot be saved (for example, if it is open in another application), the user can now fix the problem and retry, or proceed to print reports and labels, without starting over.
  • We removed the 40-character limit on the length of the Gateway login user name.
Other Bugs Fixed:

Postage $aver For Parcels For Sale

  • Fixed bug where crash could occur when scrolling on customer selection list (on statement information screen) (Windows only).
  • Fixed bug where customer selection list was not in alphabetical order (Mac only).
  • Fixed bug where tracking and sorting information was sometimes not saved in the mailing list file when the user didn't select 'sort labels' option.
  • Fixed bug affecting First Class Package Service mailings, where the mailing list file would be sorted in zip code order when user selected 'save sorting information', even though no sorting is used for FCPS.
  • Fixed the same problem for sorting of the labels, which is not used for FCPS.
  • Fixed bug where 'use previous tracking numbers' option did not operate properly for some file formats (Mac only).
  • Fixed bug where label printing option screen would not appear at the end of the sorting if the 'use previous tracking numbers' option had been selected.
  • Fixed bug where a bundle column would be added to ascii files even on mail categories that do not use bundling.
  • Fixed bug where user could not switch back to a regular printer to print reports after using a Zebra printer to print labels. Now the previous regular printer will automatically be re-selected.
  • Fixed bug where Move Update selection was not populated correctly after re-starting the software. (Mac only).
  • Fixed bug where the software could remain in USPS test file mode after uploading the test SSF file to USPS.
  • Fixed bug where the sorted Excel file could have extra blank records added to the end of the file.
  • Fixed various other minor issues.
We hope you find these improvements helpful. Many of 'our' best ideas come from our users, so please don't hesitate to let us know if you have suggestions or questions.

Postage $aver For Parcels 2020
