JavaScript is not enabled, text in this section cannot be localized using JavaScript -. The first time a user starts a virtual desktop hosted on a Microsoft Hyper-V or Azure instance with AMD GPU assigned, a gray border appears on the screen. To fix the issue, disable and then enable the Citrix Indirect Display driver (IDD) using the device manager within the remote session.
Follow the steps for remote access.
Step-by-step guide
Your login credentials will be the same login you use for your office computer when working remotely, NOT your eTenet account.
Step 1: Get Your IP Address
On the desktop lower right corner write down the IP address of the workstation. Note the label 'Address' in the image below write down the entire address of you will need this information for Step 5.
Step 2: Install Citrix Receiver
If you have the Citrix Receiver installed skip to Step 3.
Click the link for the type of computer you will be using to install Citrix Receiver.
Within the download page, choose the option for Windows or Mac.
'Download Receiver for Windows' or 'Download Receiver for Mac'
Save File:
Install it by double-clicking the saved file and following the prompts to install.
The Citrix Receiver plugin is now installed.
Inkscape 0.92 4 dmg. If you get this popup to 'Add Account' just click the 'Do not show this.' checkbox and then click 'Close'
Restart your computer before proceeding to Step 3
Step 3: Open the Baptist Citrix Portal
Open an Internet Browser and type the following address.
Note: Type in your SATX login credentials NOT eTenet. Your SATX credentials is the username and password to your office workstation.
Step 4: Open Remote Desktop
The Application Portal page will display, click on the 'Remote Desktop' icon.
Step 5: Connect to Desktop
The Remote Desktop Connection box will open, type in your IP Address (from Step 1) in the field labeled 'Computer' then click on 'Connect'.
The 'Enter your Credentials' box will display, type in your office computer login credential with append SATX to your username.
Example: SATXjdoe
After you have filled in your username and password, click 'OK'.
Your desktop computer will now open.
Technical Support:
Contact the Tenet Service Desk at 1-877-639-7575 (option 1) for password resets, account locks, or any Citrix issues.