Atomic Mass Of Fe

  1. Atomic Mass Of Feso4
  2. Iron Mw
  3. What Is The Atomic Mass Of Fe

Molar Mass, Molecular Weight and Elemental Composition Calculator

Iron-56 (56 Fe) is the most common isotope of iron.About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon.With 8.8 MeV binding energy per nucleon, iron-56 is one of the most tightly bound nuclei.

  1. Iron is represented as Fe and has an atomic number of 26. Iron atomic mass is 55.845 u. Know the physical and chemical properties, density, boiling and melting point, along with the uses of Iron on BYJU'S.
  2. Fe: Atomic Number: 26: Atomic Mass: 55.845 atomic mass units Number of Protons: 26: Number of Neutrons: 30: Number of Electrons: 26: Melting Point: 1535.0° C: Boiling Point: 2750.0° C: Density: 7.86 grams per cubic centimeter: Normal Phase: Solid: Family: Transition Metal: Period: 4: Cost: Unknown.
  3. Examples of molar mass computations: NaCl, Ca(OH)2, K4Fe(CN)6, CuSO4.5H2O, water, nitric acid, potassium permanganate, ethanol, fructose. Molar mass calculator also displays common compound name, Hill formula, elemental composition, mass percent composition, atomic percent compositions and allows to convert from weight to number of moles.
  4. Explaining and how to calculate the relative atomic mass RAM or A r of an element (a) Introduction - defining relative atomic mass - carbon-12 scale. Every atom has its own unique relative atomic mass (RAM) based on a standard comparison or relative scale e.g. It has been based on hydrogen H = 1 amu and oxygen O = 16 amu in the past (amu = relative atomic mass unit).

Molar mass of Fe is 55.8450 g/mol
Compound name is iron
Convert between Fe weight and moles
CompoundMolesWeight, g

Elemental composition of Fe
ElementSymbolAtomic weightAtomsMass percent

Mass percent compositionAtomic percent composition

Sample reactions for Fe
EquationReaction type
Fe + Cl2 = FeCl3synthesis
Fe + O2 = Fe2O3synthesis
Fe + H2O = Fe3O4 + H2single replacement
Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cusingle replacement
Fe + H2SO4 = Fe2(SO4)3 + H2single replacement

Formula in Hill system is Fe

Computing molar mass (molar weight)

To calculate molar mass of a chemical compound enter its formula and click 'Compute'. In chemical formula you may use:
  • Any chemical element. Capitalize the first letter in chemical symbol and use lower case for the remaining letters: Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, S, O, H, C, N, Na, K, Cl, Al.
  • Functional groups: D, Ph, Me, Et, Bu, AcAc, For, Ts, Tos, Bz, TMS, tBu, Bzl, Bn, Dmg
  • parantesis () or brackets [].
  • Common compound names.
Examples of molar mass computations: NaCl, Ca(OH)2, K4[Fe(CN)6], CuSO4*5H2O, water, nitric acid, potassium permanganate, ethanol, fructose.
Molar mass calculator also displays common compound name, Hill formula, elemental composition, mass percent composition, atomic percent compositions and allows to convert from weight to number of moles and vice versa.

Computing molecular weight (molecular mass)

To calculate molecular weight of a chemical compound enter it's formula, specify its isotope mass number after each element in square brackets.
Examples of molecular weight computations: C[14]O[16]2, S[34]O[16]2.

Definitions of molecular mass, molecular weight, molar mass and molar weight

  • Molecular mass (molecular weight) is the mass of one molecule of a substance and is expressed in the unified atomic mass units (u). (1 u is equal to 1/12 the mass of one atom of carbon-12)
  • Molar mass (molar weight) is the mass of one mole of a substance and is expressed in g/mol.
Weights of atoms and isotopes are from NIST article.
Give us feedback about your experience with Molecular Weight Calculator.
Related: Molecular weights of amino acids
molecular weights calculated today

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Element Iron - Fe

Comprehensive data on the chemical element Iron is provided on this page; including scores of properties, element names in many languages, most known nuclides of Iron. Common chemical compounds are also provided for many elements. In addition technical terms are linked to their definitions and the menu contains links to related articles that are a great aid in one's studies.

Atomic Mass Of Feso4

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Overview of Iron

  • Atomic Number: 26
  • Group: 8
  • Period: 4
  • Series: Transition Metals

Iron's Name in Other Languages

  • Latin: Ferrum
  • Czech: Železo
  • Croatian: Željezo
  • French: Fer
  • German: Eisen - s
  • Italian: Ferro
  • Norwegian: Jern
  • Portuguese: Ferro
  • Russian: Железо
  • Spanish: Hierro
  • Swedish: Järn

Atomic Structure of Iron

Iron formula
  • Atomic Radius: 1.72Å
  • Atomic Volume: 7.1cm3/mol
  • Covalent Radius: 1.17Å
  • Cross Section (Thermal Neutron Capture)σa/barns: 2.56
  • Crystal Structure: Cubic body centered
  • Electron Configuration:
    1s2 2s2p6 3s2p6d6 4s2
  • Electrons per Energy Level: 2,8,14,2
    Shell Model
  • Ionic Radius: 0.645Å
  • Filling Orbital: 3d6
  • Number of Electrons (with no charge): 26
  • Number of Neutrons (most common/stable nuclide): 30
  • Number of Protons: 26
  • Oxidation States: 2,3
  • Valence Electrons: 3d6 4s2
    Electron Dot Model

Chemical Properties of Iron

  • Electrochemical Equivalent: 0.69455g/amp-hr
  • Electron Work Function: 4.7eV
  • Electronegativity: 1.83 (Pauling); 1.64 (Allrod Rochow)
  • Heat of Fusion: 13.8kJ/mol
  • Incompatibilities:
  • Ionization Potential
    • First: 7.87
    • Second: 16.18
    • Third: 30.651
  • Valence Electron Potential (-eV): 67

Physical Properties of Iron

  • Atomic Mass Average: 55.847
  • Boiling Point: 3023K 2750°C 4982°F
  • Coefficient of lineal thermal expansion/K-1: 12.3E-6
  • Conductivity
    Electrical: 0.0993 106/cm Ω
    Thermal: 0.802 W/cmK
  • Density: 7.874g/cc @ 300K
  • Description:
    Pure iron is lustrous, silvery and easy to work. Iron easily rusts in damp air.
  • Elastic Modulus:
    • Bulk: 170/GPa
    • Rigidity: 82/GPa
    • Youngs: 211/GPa
  • Enthalpy of Atomization: 414.2 kJ/mole @ 25°C
  • Enthalpy of Fusion: 14.9 kJ/mole
  • Enthalpy of Vaporization: 351 kJ/mole
  • Flammablity Class:
  • Freezing Point:see melting point
  • Hardness Scale
    • Brinell: 490 MN m-2
    • Mohs: 4
    • Vickers: 608 MN m-2
  • Heat of Vaporization: 349.6kJ/mol
  • Melting Point: 1808K 1535°C 2795°F
  • Molar Volume: 7.11 cm3/mole
  • Optical Reflectivity: 65%
  • Physical State (at 20°C & 1atm): Solid
  • Specific Heat: 0.44J/gK
  • Vapor Pressure = 7.05Pa@1535°C

Regulatory / Health

  • CAS Number
    • 7439-89-6
  • OSHAPermissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
    • No limits set by OSHA
  • OSHA PEL Vacated 1989
    • No limits set by OSHA
  • NIOSHRecommended Exposure Limit (REL)
    • No limits set by NIOSH
  • Levels In Humans:
    Note: this data represents naturally occuring levels of elements in the typical human, it DOES NOT represent recommended daily allowances.
    • Blood/mg dm-3: 447
    • Bone/p.p.m: 3-380
    • Liver/p.p.m: 250-1400
    • Muscle/p.p.m: 180
    • Daily Dietary Intake: 6-40 mg
    • Total Mass In Avg. 70kg human: 4.2 g
  • Discovery Year: Unknown
  • Name Origin:
    Latin, ferrum; Anglo-Saxon, iron
  • Abundance of Iron:
    • Earth's Crust/p.p.m.: 41000
    • Seawater/p.p.m.:
      • Atlantic Suface: 0.0001
      • Atlantic Deep: 0.0004
      • Pacific Surface: 0.00001
      • Pacific Deep: 0.0001
    • Atmosphere/p.p.m.: N/A
    • Sun (Relative to H=1E12): 3.16E+07
  • Sources of Iron:
    Obtained from hematite, magnetite, goethite, lepidocrocite and siderite. Annual world production is around 716,000,000 tons. Primary areas iron is mined are USA, Canada, Sweden, South Africa, Russia, India and Japan.
  • Uses of Iron:
    Used in steel and other alloys which are used in countless products. It is essential for animals as it is the chief constituent of hemoglobin which carries oxygen in blood vessels. Iron is the most important element of all the metals.
  • Additional Notes:
    Deficiency of iron leads to anaemia, but excess iron in the body causes liver and kidney damage.

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A list of reference sources used to compile the data provided on our periodic table of elements can be found on the main periodic table page.

Related Resources

  • Anatomy of the Atom
    Answers many questions regarding the structure of atoms.
  • Molarity, Molality and Normality
    Introduces stoichiometry and explains the differences between molarity, molality and normality.
  • Molar Mass Calculations and Javascript Calculator
    Molar mass calculations are explained and there is a JavaScript calculator to aid calculations.
  • Chemical Database
    This database focuses on the most common chemical compounds used in the home and industry.

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Iron Mw

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Kenneth Barbalace. Periodic Table of Elements - Iron - Fe. 1995 - 2021. Accessed on-line: 4/24/2021

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What Is The Atomic Mass Of Fe

<a href=''>echo Periodic Table of Elements: Iron - Fe (</a>- Comprehensive information for the element Iron - Fe is provided by this page including scores of properties, element names in many languages, most known nuclides and technical terms are linked to their definitions.


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